How Supply Chains Run the World

Picture this: you’re driving down the highway trying to get cargo from Point A to Point B. You get an alert from the ELD on your truck — your hours of service are almost up, and you need to stop driving. Where do you go?
For the third episode of Careers on the Move, we spoke to Anthony Petitte, CEO of TruckPark. The company has humble beginnings: Anthony wanted to help his uncle, who owned a parking lot and was looking for a way to reach truck drivers. Today, TruckPark connects 1.7 million truckers with over 220 secure locations and works with both owner-operators and fleet drivers.
When starting his company, Anthony spoke directly with truck drivers to learn their pain points. But he discovered that finding a safe place to park was only one of many challenges facing truck drivers today. Although they move essential goods across the country, truck drivers feel undervalued and underappreciated.
Listen to the episode below.
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Our industry is seeing tremendous growth. With that growth comes tremendous funding to scale and modernize processes across the supply chain.
We took a look at some major deals across the space. This infographic traces how that funding is making a huge difference. From the overseas trip to port operations and technology to trace it all, there are huge opportunities across the supply chain.
Listen to Careers on the Move for more insights into the supply chain. You can subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Download the free report here.
The past year has seen a transformation in the home delivery space. Lockdowns and stay-at-home orders have left people ordering online more and relying more on having those items delivered directly to their homes. At the same time, industries that once relied primarily on in-person sales are now making more online sales than ever.
A successful shipping strategy adapts to meet customers’ changing needs and leverages new technology and processes to do so. But shippers, you’re not alone. Choosing partners to take over (or automate) the most challenging parts of the operation can be beneficial.
We’ve seen some common technological needs from shippers, regardless of what’s being shipped. There are three critical components that shippers should expect when partnering with a technology solutions provider:
Want to learn more about leveling up your home delivery strategy? We’ve created a report to help shippers of all sizes.
Last month, we introduced the Careers on the Move series. With this podcast, we hope to shine a spotlight on the supply chain. We’ll talk to people innovating within the space and, ultimately, aim to recruit people to this growing industry.
On episode 2 of the podcast, we spoke with Kelvin Garvanne. Kelvin is a public policy researcher with the Los Angeles Public Works Board of Commissioners. In this role, he leverages his military background to develop solutions for food supply issues within the city.
Food insecurity and food waste are not new issues, but these challenges became even more important as COVID hit. Kelvin talks to Careers on the Move host Tyler Kern about the ways that the pandemic affected the food supply. They also talk about how those viral videos of farmers throwing away unused product are indicative of a larger problem faced by the industry.
Listen to the full episode below, and subscribe to Careers on the Move on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.