We’re celebrating the incredible women at Cargomatic who continue to grow and pave the way to success! In honor of Women’s History Month, we’re shining a spotlight on those who’ve made significant strides at Cargomatic. Learn more about some of our incredible team members below!
Alejandra Rosas
General Manager, Atlas Marine

What motivated you to join Cargomatic, and how has your journey evolved since then?
My journey with Cargomatic began in 2019 when the company acquired Atlas Marine. Since then, I’ve been on an exciting path of growth and evolution.
How has Cargomatic supported your professional growth and development over the years?
Cargomatic has been instrumental in my professional development. The trust and confidence extended to me by the executive leadership of both Atlas and Cargomatic have enabled me to actively contribute my ideas and experiences to numerous projects. This involvement has provided invaluable learning opportunities.
What advice would you give to other women aspiring to advance their careers within Cargomatic or in the logistics industry?
To fellow women aiming to advance in their careers within the logistics industry, I would emphasize the importance of continuous learning and knowledge sharing. Stay open to new experiences and be willing to both learn from others and teach what you know. The logistics industry is dynamic and constantly evolving, offering endless opportunities for growth and development.